Film Matters News - Inspiring ideas for film & media education

Welcome to Film Matters Newsletter, a dedicated space for film and media educators and students eager to transform their classrooms with vibrant, engaging, and innovative content.

What Film Matters offers:

Key concepts made accessible

Film Matters distills complex film and media theories into manageable, bite-sized formats, ensuring these ideas are easily understood and appreciated.

Creative and flexible resources

Each post offers practical, adaptable approaches to bring the discussed ideas into your classroom quickly and effectively. Whether you need a quick activity or a comprehensive project framework, the content is designed to fit your unique teaching style and student needs.

What Film Matters stands for:


Film Matters believes in the power of an education that resonates. This newsletter is more than just informative; it’s a tool for inspiration. By presenting film and media concepts in an accessible and engaging way, Film Matters provides a springboard for creativity and critical thinking that invites student input and collaboration.

Support the community

There’s no paywall here - everyone receives the same content. If you have the means though, please consider a paid subscription; it does make a difference. Your support helps keep this project alive and allows Film Matters to pay it forward by supporting other creatives and educational initiatives. Together, we can foster a community where knowledge and creativity are shared far and wide.

Subscribe to Film Matters News

Film Matters News is your hub for ideas and insights, dedicated to teaching film to and with young people in middle and high school settings.


Film and Media Arts Educator who is passionate about developing relevant learning experiences that empower students (and teachers) to find their individual voices using film as a primary form of expression and communication.